Middle-aged Mormon Man


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Pay Backs...

I was rushing out of Albertsons on Tuesday (at 11:56 a.m.), trying to hurry and load up groceries and get three kids in the suburban and buckled up in time to pick up Abbee from preschool at 12:00 (HA! ya think I made it on time???) Well I finally got the kids and groceries in and was trying to get out of the parking lot, when I noticed a young man holding a sign up and a paper cup in hopes of collecting some money. My first thought was, "I think I have a dollar." As I dug through my purse, my next thoughts were, "Ugh! I'm in a rush! I'll help him next time. Plus he looks young and able...but nice...I'm probably poorer than he is...who am I to judge??? Better to give too much than not enough." So I found my dollar and rolled down the window and smiled and exchanged pleasantries and wished him luck. As I was getting ready to leave, he said, "Wait! I have something for you, too!" He reached in his back pocket and pulled out an envelope. He handed it to me, smiled, and waved, and I (now 7 1/2 minutes late to pick up Abbee) smiled and waved and left. At the stoplight, I opened the envelope. And there was a note and a $20 bill! How cool is THAT??? The note said, "YOU'VE BEEN SERVED! We're starting a new church here in Meridian called Connections. We decided instead of spending Thousands on Postcards, Billboards,Flyers, we'd do something different." So they've been sneaking and paying for peoples gas at gas stations, paying for peoples groceries, dressing as bums and handing out $$$, baking cookies, paying for meals at restaurants, etc. Pretty cool, huh? Thought that was a great way to spread around some Christ-like kindness.


Mindy said...

Aaw, great job! That is so nice. I probably wouldn't have given them anything. . .

Tracy Beckett said...

Wow, Brenda, that is neat! Way to be kind and be blessed for it. That is an awesome story. I love to hear of good and happy things. Love ya!

Rory said...

What comes around ,goes around!
I am always telling my kids you never?
Glad you had a good thing come out of it!

Suzanne said...

Cool! I wanna find the $20 guy! So, here's my question? Did you go to his church? :)

Heather said...

Hi there!!
GOOD things happen to GOOD people!!
Too cool! That is what you get for being so awesome!!

Deb-t said...

For reals? That is a very cool way of advertising, and putting smiles on peoples faces. Good for you!!!!

Allie said...

That is exciting! Really cool! Way to be nice and get blessed for it! :)

Danielle Rappleye said...

That is so neat. What a good lady you are.

Karmen said...

Aaaahh! I'm always judging them when I SOOO shouldn't! I've got to get it out of my head that they're just losers who need more beer and cigarettes! I'll think twice next time! Way to go Bluto!

val said...

What a cool thing this church was doing! And how awesome of you to stop to help and get rewarded instantly! Especially in a busy rush to get to school. I'm guilty of not helping people and thinking my fast offerings are enough...though I can't pass up those bell ringers without throwing in some change.. Good for you, and good for them!

val said...

P.S. I LOVE your BZZZZZY Bee background! So cute!

Sondra said...

How long has it been since I visited blogs that I'm commenting on a five week old post! But this is really neat! It's great to hear about people who are striving to do nice things and be like Christ.

PS I can't believe that the handsome, big, 18 year old on the side of your blog is yours! Can you really have a boy who is that old? It's crazy. Your family is so beautiful.

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