Middle-aged Mormon Man


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Lunch Time

Lunch is always an adventure at my house. So is everything else, for that matter. First of all, no one wanted anything normal for lunch, no PBJ, no mac-n-cheese, no ramen w/ veggies, no fish sticks or chicken nuggets either...come on! With menu choices like that, what's not to like? So I finally resigned my "healthier" menu for what the munchkins wanted...cold cereal. So I'm getting the cold cereal ready and tell the kidlets to get seated--at which time the next problem arose...seating arrangements. Alyssa didn't want to sit by ANYONE, which meant that EVERYONE wanted to sit by her, which meant that the louder she screamed, "I DON'T WANT TO SIT BY ANYOOOOOOOONNNNE!" then the more adamant Abbee and Zac became at sitting RIGHT next to her. And the louder she yelled, the bigger they smiled and the harder they giggled...(what naughty little beasts)...and the faster they crawled over the table to sit by her constantly moving, screaming little 5 year old body. So I finally got THAT settled down and everyone sat with an empty space between them, the vitamin-fortified cereal poured into the bowls, milk poured, prayer said, and then they began to eat. Then I noticed a dark brown goo coming out of Zac's nose. I'm thinking, "Did he get punched or kicked in the face during the seating fight? Did he fall off of something? What the heck!!! Why's it so DARK BROWN???" And then I remembered that Abbee and Zac had caught me eating chocolate chips earlier, so I had to share with them, and the strange brown goo looked exactly like melted chocolate...ewww...
So I asked Zac, "Did you put chocolate chips in your NOSE?!?"
(Zac) "NO! I didunt!" and simultaneously Abbee yelled "YES! HE DID!"
(Zac) "No I DIDUNT! ABBEE did it!"
(Me) "ABBEE! Did YOU put chocolate chips in Zac's NOSE!" (and I'm picturing her sitting on Zac, laughing evilly as she pokes chocolate chips up his nose... )
(Abbee) "No I didn't! He did it himself!" and Zac simultaneously "Yes she DID!" and then a barrage of "She did it!" & "He did it" and "Not me!" and then I notice that Abbee's nose has started to run...a strange brown goo...Ugh...I'm not going to share my chocolate chips anymore.


Kitty said...

That's so funny!

Summer said...

this wins for post of the day! :)

erika said...

Funny story.Kids will be kids.I wish my kids would get along better.

Jen Ross said...

Oh, funny! I had to read this to Pat cause it was so cute/gross/funny all at the same time. It sounds like an active household and fun too. Enjoy these years!

val said...

I love it! Yes, it sounds like lunch was an adventure for sure! But chocolate chips in the nose is a new one~ At least they melt..

tawnja said...

Oh, Lou-Lou! I'm laughing my head off! Most moms can relate to your lunch, but very, very few can write about it so well. A+ on your blog! Give my chocolate chip nosed neices and nephew a big, giant squishy hug for me. Love ya!

Allie said...

OH that is SO FUNNY! Your kids are so stinkin' cute! I love them to death! They are all sweeties and make me laugh! I hope I see you guys soon! Love Ya!

k8shoe said...

Yes, love the post. A lot of that sounds like my kids...especially the not wanting to sit by or TOUCH each other. Kids are so funny!

Deb-t said...

I would have given anything to be there for the latest crazy lunch hour at the Hansen household. I probably would have gagged at the "ooze" seeping out their noses but it still would have been hilarious!
I can see just picture Alyssa being all haughty and wanting to sit by herself and even more so, I can see Abbee being conniving and pestering her on purpose!!!!

Kally said...

That is hilarious, I love it... I love how you tell stories Brenda you do such a good job.

erika said...

P.s. I just wanted to let you know that I went Private so send me your email.Here is my erikacampbell2@gmail.com

Ruuddudes said...

EEEW GROSS! And I love it all at the same time! You should write a book... Better yet, print it on toilet paper so that people can read of your escapades while they are waiting...

Karmen said...

Shall I laugh or gag?! That is hilarious, I mean disgusting! I miss you guys already, oh wait, maybe I don't! One thing I DO know...I love ya!

Suzanne said...

Hey - you have the same lunch menu as me (minus the fish sticks - my kids wouldn't touch those with a 10-foot pole!)
I don't know what happened, but EVERY time I ever checked your blog, it was always on the "Seven year itch" post. It's weird, cuz you've made all these other posts that I didn't find until today! So, I just enjoyed a "smorgasbord" of Brenda! :)

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